Thursday, May 20, 2010

Live By Design

Believes are Color Glasses that we look at life through them.. Believes can empower or dispower you..
If you believe something, you always take action to prove you are right.
How good you are at growing will determine how rich, free and successful you become.
Many people never achieve success because they don't believe in anything other than what they believed for many years. They never do anything different because they are not willing to change their believes.

We are creature of Habbits..! Sometimes believing something is just a habbit. Habbit of changing, Creating and Doing..?! Or Habbit of not doing..? and doing the same thing that never brought us anything..!

Believe that...
You Can Be Right OR You can be Rich..!
You Can Be Right OR You can be Happy..!

Don't believe a Word you say..!
Don't believe a Thought you have.!

Train your Mind how to work for you..!!
Instead of living on Fears, Proves and Angers; Live with Joy and Purpose..!